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{ }
{ Turbo Pascal Runtime Library }
{ String Handling Unit }
{ }
{ Copyright (C) 1991 Borland International }
{ }
unit Strings;
{ StrLen returns the number of characters in Str, not counting }
{ the null terminator. }
function StrLen(Str: PChar): Word;
{ StrEnd returns a pointer to the null character that }
{ terminates Str. }
function StrEnd(Str: PChar): PChar;
{ StrMove copies exactly Count characters from Source to Dest }
{ and returns Dest. Source and Dest may overlap. }
function StrMove(Dest, Source: PChar; Count: Word): PChar;
{ StrCopy copies Source to Dest and returns Dest. }
function StrCopy(Dest, Source: PChar): PChar;
{ StrECopy copies Source to Dest and returns StrEnd(Dest). }
function StrECopy(Dest, Source: PChar): PChar;
{ StrLCopy copies at most MaxLen characters from Source to Dest }
{ and returns Dest. }
function StrLCopy(Dest, Source: PChar; MaxLen: Word): PChar;
{ StrPCopy copies the Pascal style string Source into Dest and }
{ returns Dest. }
function StrPCopy(Dest: PChar; Source: String): PChar;
{ StrCat appends a copy of Source to the end of Dest and }
{ returns Dest. }
function StrCat(Dest, Source: PChar): PChar;
{ StrLCat appends at most MaxLen - StrLen(Dest) characters from }
{ Source to the end of Dest, and returns Dest. }
function StrLCat(Dest, Source: PChar; MaxLen: Word): PChar;
{ StrComp compares Str1 to Str2. The return value is less than }
{ 0 if Str1 < Str2, 0 if Str1 = Str2, or greater than 0 if }
{ Str1 > Str2. }
function StrComp(Str1, Str2: PChar): Integer;
{ StrIComp compares Str1 to Str2, without case sensitivity. The }
{ return value is the same as StrComp. }
function StrIComp(Str1, Str2: PChar): Integer;
{ StrLComp compares Str1 to Str2, for a maximum length of }
{ MaxLen characters. The return value is the same as StrComp. }
function StrLComp(Str1, Str2: PChar; MaxLen: Word): Integer;
{ StrLIComp compares Str1 to Str2, for a maximum length of }
{ MaxLen characters, without case sensitivity. The return value }
{ is the same as StrComp. }
function StrLIComp(Str1, Str2: PChar; MaxLen: Word): Integer;
{ StrScan returns a pointer to the first occurrence of Chr in }
{ Str. If Chr does not occur in Str, StrScan returns NIL. The }
{ null terminator is considered to be part of the string. }
function StrScan(Str: PChar; Chr: Char): PChar;
{ StrRScan returns a pointer to the last occurrence of Chr in }
{ Str. If Chr does not occur in Str, StrRScan returns NIL. The }
{ null terminator is considered to be part of the string. }
function StrRScan(Str: PChar; Chr: Char): PChar;
{ StrPos returns a pointer to the first occurrence of Str2 in }
{ Str1. If Str2 does not occur in Str1, StrPos returns NIL. }
function StrPos(Str1, Str2: PChar): PChar;
{ StrUpper converts Str to upper case and returns Str. }
function StrUpper(Str: PChar): PChar;
{ StrLower converts Str to lower case and returns Str. }
function StrLower(Str: PChar): PChar;
{ StrPas converts Str to a Pascal style string. }
function StrPas(Str: PChar): String;
{ StrNew allocates a copy of Str on the heap. If Str is NIL or }
{ points to an empty string, StrNew returns NIL and doesn't }
{ allocate any heap space. Otherwise, StrNew makes a duplicate }
{ of Str, obtaining space with a call to the GetMem standard }
{ procedure, and returns a pointer to the duplicated string. }
{ The allocated space is StrLen(Str) + 1 bytes long. }
function StrNew(Str: PChar): PChar;
{ StrDispose disposes a string that was previously allocated }
{ with StrNew. If Str is NIL, StrDispose does nothing. }
procedure StrDispose(Str: PChar);